
A growing body of neuroscientific research confirms that contemplative practices such as meditation and traditional yoga have measurably positive effects on memory, attention, learning and well-being. Many American universities, medical schools, and research institutes have begun to incorporate forms of contemplative practice into their programs. As American society struggles with painful internal polarization and world conflicts proliferate, students and faculty alike hunger for a compassionate education of the “whole person” aimed toward making a positive impact locally and globally.

Phillip has practiced yoga, mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation for more than 20 years. Mindfulness practice is deeply embedded into his University of Utah Honors College courses as an integral part of the curriculum:

Outside the university Phillip periodically teaches (online at this time) “The Art of Mindfulness: Awakening the Creativity Within” and “Radical Quiet: Becoming Completely Aware of Being Alive” (email Phillip if you are interested).

“The faculty of bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character and will. … An education which should improve this faculty would be an education par excellence.

– William James

Three short videos created by Professor Phillip Bimstein for all first-year students in the University of Utah’s Honors College.